I need to stay off social media when there's a big news story.
Or a big story at all. Doesn't matter. I don't even need to go on Twitter - I know what will be on there. Instead of random thoughts, sports stuff (on mine), some Wiz Khalifa parody account getting retweeted that says something Wiz is way too stoned to ever actually say, some memes or Vines with 'bruh' or some emojis next to them... 3 kinds of people appear. The people who voice their opinion, the people who bitch about those voicing their opinion, and a 3rd kind that bitches about the people who bitch about those voicing their opinion.
Think about this for a second. The rest of this is directed more at the people who complain. I'm not one who likes to speak up and complain about things on Twitter, personally. Am I personally alright with the decision regarding the case in Ferguson? Of course not. Do I voice my opinion on social media? No, because there are ways I feel are much more productive. However, will you ever see me complaining about those that do?.. No. Why?
For as much as some of you numbskulls like to bitch about how awful this country is, that's the beauty of it. In America, we have the right to speak. A right that isn't shared by many in other parts of the world. Whether our words do a damn thing or not, we can do it. It's a right that we may not hold as dear as we should, since we weren't the ones who had to fight for it, earn it. When it comes to free speech, we're like the 'old money'. Ya know, those kids who didn't have to work for a single thing and just get what they want because of how rich mom & dad or grandma & grandpa are. All they know is the nice lifestyle. They may not appreciate it as much because their blood, sweat, and tears weren't needed for it. They just were handed it off the hard work of who came before them. That's us. Many people on social media tonight are just bashing something, anything at all. Bashing the country, bashing people voicing their opinions, bashing people bashing others. Next time this happens, ask yourself this question:
Would I rather have to deal with these people being annoying about their opinions, or would I rather not be able to voice my opinion at all?
The irony of it all is this: guess what you're doing when you complain about those going off about their opinions? Well, you're going off about your opinion. You're not doing anything different than they are - you're just directing it in a different light.
Yeah, it's annoying. I get it. But to someone that doesn't share your views on this, you're pretty annoying too. It's all how the shoe fits. Hopefully this can open someone's eyes, just a little bit...
Alright, enough of that. Back to annoyingly posting on Twitter about sports!
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